DIFENO Men's low cut TF AG lieta tsa bolo ea maoto, mobu o tiileng, o thibelang ho thella, manala a manganga, li-spikes tsa bolo ea maoto, lieta tsa mohloa, lieta tsa lipontšo tsa Las Vegas

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Upper textured e etsa hore ho be le taolo e ntlafetseng ea bolo.Hook e fetohang le e tšoarellang le ho koaloa ha loop bakeng sa ho lekana hantle, ha ho hlokahale ho tlama lace.

Li-cleats tse entsoeng ka rabara tse nang le tlhophiso ea ho pota-pota li lumella botsitso le grip.Soft padded leleme le ka lumellana hantle le instep ea hae le ho fokotsa khohlano ea maoto.

Batho ba phutholohileng ka ntle ho bolo ea maoto Zapatilla fútbol salónbotines ke khetho e ntle lebaleng la bolo ea maoto, lebala la rugby, holo ea lipapali le tseleng.

Lieta tsa bolo ea maoto tsa mohloa (TF) lia hlokahala bakeng sa moralo oa turf ea maiketsetso ea kahare (turf e tšesaane ea k'hapete). Lieta tsa bolo ea maoto tsa TF li na le li-rivets tse khutšoane tsa rabara ho netefatsa matšeliso a kopaneng holim'a joang bo mosesaane.

[Lieta tsa bolo ea maoto tse thata] Lieta tsa bolo ea maoto tsa banna li entsoe ka molomo oa sock, ho bonolo ho roala le ho roala, ho u fa * boiphihlelo bo fapaneng. Fana ka * ts'ebetso e ntle bakeng sa kantle ho naha ea hau e tiileng.

[Linako tse sebetsang] Lieta tsa bolo ea maoto tsa ka tlung tsa banna li loketse liketsahalo tse sa tšoaneng, lieta tsa koetliso ea bolo ea maoto, makhotla a ka hare, lipapali, joalo-joalo Ketsahalo: mobu o bonolo, o tiileng, mobu o thata, mobu oa maiketsetso.

[Lieta tsa bolo ea maoto li-anti-skid shoes] Lihlahisoa tsa Unisex li boholo ba banna. Breathable lightweight sock liner e fana ka cushioning ea boemo bo tlase - ka ho monya mongobo le monko o monate. Lintho tse ka holimo li entsoe ka lisebelisoa tsa setsebi, tse etsang hore taolo ea bolo e be betere.

[O tla fumana eng] lieta tsa antiskid tsa bolo ea maoto tsa banna * 1 le tšebeletso e mosa ea bareki. Haeba u na le lipotso, ka kopo re romelle lengolo-tsoibila.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona